Ernesto Massi e la geopolitica italiana. Un rapporto «simbiotico» [DOI: 10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/201701_04]

Alessandro Ricci


Ernesto Massi and Italian Geopolitics. A “Simbiotic” Report. – In Italy, “geopolitics” was born, grew and fully matured alongside the figure of Ernesto Massi. Their relationship was basically symbiotic and covered a substantial part of the last century. Geopolitical discipline in Italy, as is known, saw its affirmation with Massi and Giorgio Roletto and later developed in other countries (first Germany and France, but then Great Britain and the United States), thus emerging as a fully autonomous school with its own raison d'être.


geopolitics; Italia; Massi; Roletto

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ISSN: 2281-7549

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