Um olhar sobre o planejamento turístico da cidade do Recife [DOI: 10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/201701_05]

Adriana Garcia De Carvalho, Fátima Braga Branquinho


An Overview of the Tourism Planning of the City of Recife. – Recife is a beautiful city located in the North east of Brazil. Like the majority of Brazilian cities, it had never had a proper tourism plan before the one developed in 2013 – even considering its innate potential. This article aims to share that plan, in which a few field researches were done, as well as informal interviews with the main actors involved. Throughout the years of implementation and execution, not only the impact of external factors was sensitively perceived but also the importance of a dynamic (and participative) revaluation of the plan itself.


planejamento estratégico; Recife; turismo; strategic planning; tourism

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ISSN: 2281-7549

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