La segmentazione della domanda turistica nei musei: il caso del museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro [DOI: 10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/201702_05]

Carmen Bizzarri


The Segmentation of Tourist Demand in Museum: The Case Study of the Museum of San Gennaro’s Treasure – This Article, in its first part, analyzes the tourist demand of the cultural heritage, preparing an overview of the most visited museums than less by tourism.

From this initial confrontation, the article runs through the elaboration of the reasons for which the most visited museums are always among the best known in the world, while lesser known ones have difficulties in attracting visitors. For this purpose, it describes the case study of the Museum of the San Gennaro’s Treasure, which although it has still a small number of visitors compared to major international museums, has had a significant growth in visitors in recent years. It shows, therefore, that only when the differentiated preferences of tourists encounter a tourist offer that meets their needs, cultural heritage can be fully tapped thanks largely to the role of the local population, which is the strategic instrument for sustainable exploitation of cultural heritage. In the last part, the article outlines the new possibilities for management of cultural heritage in order to the needs of both tourists and local community, thanks to an unconventional interpretation of the relationship between cultural heritage and types of tourists, referring to some influential variables on consumer buying behavior.


museum and tourism, local community, tourist demand and local herit-age

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