Risorse interne e risorse esterne: una analisi degli elementi territoriali e della diffusione della conoscenza sulla competitività delle imprese DOI: 10.4458/9391-07

Barbara Martini


The importance of knowledge for the innovation process is widely recognized in the literature. The diffusion of it passes through the use of resources internal and external to the firm. The work focuses on two aspects. On one side it identifies the impact of internal and external resources on the innovation process. The other aim is to find an indicator that captures the combined effect of the two resources with the objective of demonstrating the importance of using these synergies for developing the firm in a given territory. The territory in this case emerges as a key element in the analysis as it is able to provide a complex set of elements: social, cultural and economic, which are able to support the development of enterprises. In some cases, they become determinants by allowing an area of become more competitive than another.
than another.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19246/dg.v0i0.16


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