Crisi della città nell'età della privatizzazione dell'urbanistica 10.4458/4526-05

Paolo Berdini


The crisis of the city in the age of the privatization urbanism. – We are seeing an unprecedented crisis that is sweeping many Italian cities and will affect also the urbane welfare. Health care was the first victim of this vision. Cancellation of hospitals, health centers and clinics and then the closing of the courts, of the Post Office and of the decentralized State's structures. Today even the primary schools of smaller municipalities risk of disappearing . Some cities go out, entire populations living an unprecedented setback and they lose their social integration prospects.

So if we want to maintain an acceptable standard of living and socializing in our cities we have to identify the real causes that led to the financial meltdown of italian municipalities and find the solutions to restore a perspective to the system of local governments. Otherwise, we risk to close a millenary urban history.

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