When Reality Meets Power-Rhetoric. Power, Mapping and Practice in Contested Spaces: The Case of Cyprus and Karabakh [DOI: 10.19246/docugeo2281-7549/201601_01]
In the past decades geographers and cartographers have been witnessed the inspiring and multilayered scientific discovery of the second text and power-rhetoric transmitted by maps. Although maps‟ basic function is to help the orientation, this is sometimes challenged due to social, historic, and most of all political rea-sons. This is especially true in contested geographical spaces where con-trasting parties are interested in not only justifying their standpoint but at the same time denying or silencing the opponent‟s similar wish. Based on examples from Cyprus and Karabakh, we present how the power-rhetoric, territorial and political claims influence mapping and how maps justify these claims by applying various cartographic tools and manipula-tions. By analyzing various tourist and road maps, present study shows how the parallel existing narratives are displayed on maps, resulting in exclusionary cartographies. Furthermore, present study argues that maps depicting territorial conflict zones are sometimes influenced and deteri-orated in such a grade that it questions the primer function of a map, namely to help the orientation.
exclusionary cartography, cartographic silence, contested spaces, Cyprus, Karabakh
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19246/docugeo2281-7549/201601_01
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ISSN: 2281-7549
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