Una “lettura” in ottica geografica del dopo Brexit. Chi potrebbe trarne vantaggi? [DOI: 10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/201701_01]

Tullio D’Aponte, Caterina Rinaldi


The Geographic Approach to the Analysis of the Consequences of Brexit. Who will Benefit? – The outcome of the referendum on the Brexit opened an era of uncertainty, questioning the relationship between UK and European Union, making it difficult to define future paths. The aim of this work is to analyse the possible consequences of Brexit through a geoeconomic approach which, focusing on foreign trade, will explore the different issues at international, national and regional levels. Aknowledging that from now on the British decisions will be crucial in defining the outcomes, the purpose of this study is not to achieve an indisputable conclusion but rather to present arguments to feed and enrich the debate on the matter within the scientific community of geographers.



Brexit; international trade; European Union; United Kingdom

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19246/docugeo2281-7549/201701_01


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ISSN: 2281-7549

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