Salvaguardia ambientale e bilancio energetico nazionale. Considerazioni geografiche nella prospettiva di un processo d’innovazione virtuosa

Viviana D’Aponte


Environmental protection and National Energy Balance. Geographical Considerations in the Perspective of a Process of Virtuous Innovation. – The EU’s European Environmental Agency defines the target of pollution limits to be observed by our member’s for the progressive reduction of environmental impact. Italy as a whole respects the limits of the Effort Sharing Decision to 2020, but presents problems of concentration of NO2 and PM10 in many urban areas. Analyzing national energy consumption, we identify the geopolitical and geoeconomic structural causes that condition the structure of the hydrocarbon dependence of the National Energy Balance. Within this “scenario”, the contribution discusses the strategies and interventions necessary for the reshaping of energy consumption towards stable results of active environmental balance.


Environmental Policies; European Environment Agency; Effort Sharing Decision; Energy Consumption; Italian Energy Balance; Sustainable Mobility

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ISSN: 2281-7549

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