Mondiali di nuoto 2009 - Olimpiadi 2020. La periferia meridionale di Roma tra mancate trasformazioni urbane e grandi eventi DOI: 10.4458/9391-03

Simone Bozzato


The depth of the changes taking place in the area object of the present study is of such importance as to ask questions about the features that this urban space should take in the process of growth of the Capital city. In the perspective of this evolution even more importance is given to what happens in the suburb area, which pertains to and is managed by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The difficulties faced by the local authorities bring to the attention a new need arisen from the interest in finding resources to proceed with and accomplish a project of functional redefinition, which seems hard to be implemented. The 2009 World Aquatics Championships seemed to be a good opportunity, since it was thought that the construction of the sport structures would let to resume the project of urban requalification of the areas of Tor Bella Monaca and Torre Gaia, which are known to be dominated by lack of planning that has its roots in the Fifties of the last century and in which the influence of organized crime is overbearing. A new occasion, always connected with a major event, seemed to emerge to relaunch the possibility of implementing this project. All involved institutions and local authorities seemed to agree that the 2020 Olympic Games could be the right chance to reorganize this territory. In this direction, the size of the planned measures continues to change and, consequently, the disorientation of residents, while an investigation on different scales of the potential and of future possible difficulties seems to be essential.
difficulties seems to be essential.

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