Migrazioni: tra immaginari e dinamiche transnazionali. Spunti di ricerca dalla Guinea Bissau

Marco Maggioli, Claudio Arbore


Migrations: between imaginaries and transnational dynamics. Research ideas from Guinea Bissau – The article analyzes two aspects of the migration process. On the one hand, the role played by migratory imagination in the definition of emigration choices and strategies and, on the other hand, through the case study of Guinea Bissau, the role played by family, association and village networks in establishing transnational relations of mutual collabo-ration between the host country and the country of departure.


Migrants; Policies; Local Development; Transnationalism

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/201801_03


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ISSN: 2281-7549

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